Tuesday, December 13, 2016


This Debut Novel is fast, sexy, and witty!

Combine a young James Bond and Jack Reacher with some hellacious fight scenes … mix in a damsel in distress from a 1950s Raymond Chandler novel—the kind of dame that has sharp nails and a knife hidden behind her back…add some of the steam you find in today’s explosion of romance-erotica…and you have one rocking adventure with plenty of humor, danger, and enough sexual tension to blow your top.

A KILLER SOUL MATE by Rocky Romance—and starring Rocky Romance (this guy, whoever he is, has plenty of energy and ego)—is a debut novel that absolutely took us by surprise in the best kind of way. Fast, sexy and witty!

Rocky has our “5 Star Page-Turner” recommendation. We can’t wait to see if he can keep it up on his next novel!

For Mature Audiences? We must admit, however, this is one of the funniest, sexiest tongue-and-cheek thrillers you will ever find between the covers.

- Grace Grinder, Lead Reviewer, BOOKS FOR LOVERS